Goals set the direction for our lives because purpose & courage without direction is not enough. If we do not know which direction we need to move we will be lost anywhere.

Most of us know the importance of Goals Setting and they start planning & taking action very enthusiastically, but very few are consistent & able to take it forward to accomplish their goals in reality.

What pulls them back? why they're unable to consistently take action and accomplish their goals within or on the set deadline? What stops them to achieve what they want?

The Answer is System!! The System Works, but People Fail - People succeed only when they follow a System.

Yes, you're not consistent in taking action to accomplish the goals that you've set for yourself just because you don't have a System for it!

In this blog, I am pouring my years of experience into not just setting goals but also achieving my goals faster. I've learned this system by observing the patterns of all the successful people out there and I've implemented this to achieve results Faster!!

Listen to this 6 Step Strategy to Achieve your Goals:-

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What you will Learn in this Podcast:

  1. What are the core Concepts to check if you are congruent with your Goals?

  2. What is the 6 Step Strategy to achieve your Goals?

  3. How to nail your Actions and make a difference in the world?

Let's start with Concepts in the process of achieving Goals

Concept #1- Clarity in Direction

You do not require motivational dialogues to accomplish things, just like if you're hungry you'll eat yourself without any motivational speeches, Right!!

It automatically happens when you're CLEAR! Clear with where you want to Go, what you want to accomplish, why you want to do it, and especially Which Direction you want to Move?

The more you're clear, the faster you will move ahead to accomplish and achieve things in your life.

Concept #2- Failure is the Gateway to Success

Lot of you may think, Success & Failure are two completely opposite things but the truth is failures are the gateway to Success.

If you haven’t failed in anything yet that means you’re not courageous enough to try anything because if you try it for the first time you’ll definitely not be perfect for the first time. You will fail, you will make mistakes but you will move ahead when you observe what you did and don’t repeat it for the next time!

Concept #3- Accomplishment is the Key Element

Goals become a trap if you’re attached with outcome and not devoted in the process of taking action and accomplishing stuff. Goals are the end result and if you want peace as goal you will directly rest in peace, so it should be a goal that excites you it must be the process of actions & accomplishments.

Ultimately, it’s process that is exciting & beautiful more than the goal. So, your word of focus should not be what you want it must be What you can Accomplish!

Let’s dive into The 6 Step Strategy

Step 1: Awareness - Before Anything you start doing you must be aware of yourself, you should discover yourself. Your Uniqueness, Strengths, Weaknesses & most important your Purpose! 

Before you set your goals you must see what’s your Strength so that you can play on your strength, you see all the successful people example Sachin Tendulkar he is a phenomenal cricketer, imagine him as a singer.. He would be a horrible singer, Right! 

So first get aware of your uniqueness where you can create difference, don’t set a goal just for the sake of it because goal is end result what you need to take in the process is action, and if you don’t love what you are doing it will be depressing for you to act.

Step 2: Goal Setting - Now comes the time to Set your Goals SMART.

Here, S stands for Specific, you cannot say I want earn more money, you need to state the amount and how you will make the money, like what you will do coaching, selling, service, etc and what will be your designation like a business growth expert, a personal brand coach, a director executive, etc.

M stands for Measurable, you must measure the progress you’re making like $5000 in one week for $20000 in a month.

A stands for attainable because you have to set something under your skillsets to be able to achieve it.

R stands for Realistic because it’s not just goal setting but also achieving thus you gotta set something real.

T stands for Time bound & Tools, you must set a deadline, because your work expands to fill as much time you give.

Tools are definitely important because you can’t win a battle with just a needle you need latest weapons, now tools must be according to the  

Step 3: Plan Creation - When your plan is ready half of the battle is won. You gotta set your plans aligned so that you’re very clear with what you need to do and when you need to do. 

The format of Plan creation must include all your important tasks that you should be doing, most of us be busy with the urgent tasks only and we don't get time for the important once to get attention and accomplished.

A PRO Tip here, divide your tasks into productive, super productive and non productive, pay the most attention on your top super productive tasks 

As we see 80-20 Rule works here as well, your 80% tasks that you do are non productive thus you gotta delete it.

Out of 20% productive tasks, 16% is the only productive tasks thus you can defer or delegate or even automate these tasks and rest 4% is the super productive one and this you should do immediately.

Step 4: Daily Action- Action is the key to success, every plan fails when you fail to take action. Also it must be consistent on daily basis. 

Set yourself up for taking action by being clear on your intent why you wanna accomplish the stuff. 

Take the first step and rest all will happen with momentum.

Step 5: Accountability - Your environment is much more stronger than your willpower thus set your environment such that it helps you execute your plan. 

Inform your loved ones about your plan and ask them to hold you accountable for accomplishing the activities. 

You can also set timers and alarms in your phone to hold you accountable for your actions.

Step 6: Results Tracking- Results tracking is an important piece of the puzzle, if you don't track results you would never know whether you are going ahead or still there committing same mistakes again and again.

You have to track your results and improve on it.

Hence, these were the six steps to help you accomplish your goals!!

Hope it helps you to make a difference in your life!!

You gotta implement this with all commitment because unless you change something you won't see different results.

If you need any help in executing yourself then feel free to connect with me!!

And let me know in the comments what are your takeaways from this piece of content.

Let me know about what topic you want me to cover next!

Also you can Register for my Rs.6999 Course for FREE here

Reserve your spot Now as it's free for the first 100 members only!!

See you in the next Post!! 


Navin Sahu is an "Employee turned digital geek", a spiritually grounded minimalist, father of 2, and husband of a loving wife. He founded the ShubhVardan Institute Of Artistic Science in 2020 to fix the education and employment system for good. Currently, he is helping over 140+ Students digitize their knowledge. He is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live a Branded Lifestyle and Create The Next Breed Of Digital Leaders & Entrepreneurs!

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